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Dear Robert,

Yesterday, we saw the outcome of a rushed and embittered Senate confirmation for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court.

It was a somber moment at the American Humanist Association (AHA), as we saw Amy Coney Barrett take her oath to join the Supreme Court―only 38 days after the death of Justice Ginsburg.

Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation should alarm each of us. Her disastrous record, her opaque responses in hearings, and her extreme religious views were not outliers in her appointment. Rather, they were part of a long-running and deliberate campaign on the part of Christian nationalists to put partisan judges on the bench who reject true religious freedom.

But I am not writing to you today with fear or reticence about our future. With your help the AHA will be up to this challenge. There’s no question that this nomination is a set-back, but we are as committed as ever to defending and advancing the rights of humanists around the country.

And we are not alone in this fight. We stand alongside our national partners in Washington, DC, our local chapters around the country, and―most importantly―our fellow humanists.

If they come after first amendment rights, we’ll be there.
If they come after our reproductive rights, we’ll be there.
If they come after marriage equality, we’ll be there.
If they come after our rights to fair and free elections, we’ll be there.

So while Christian nationalists cling to the dying age of white supremacy and patriarchal rule, our numbers will continue to grow.

And with your support, we will prevail.

Yours in humanism,

Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director